Changes: Car Rental Cuba – At Havanautos, Via, PalcoCar, CubaCar




From January 2008 the companies REX, CubaCAR , PalcoCar, Via and Havanautos ceased to be separate entities and were amalgamated into one entity called Transtur. This rebranding means than all vehicles are booked through the same local entity. Therefore, despite all these names still existing visually on the island basically all reservations are handled by this new entity. A new addition to the offer is the fact that all vehicles can now be seen on Video at See all Videos of 2008 rental cars and reservations handled by the websites.

Other changes include the fact that Cuban rental agencies no longer (1 may 2008) offer a franchise based insurance system previously offered by way of insurance A and B. “A” being a collision franchise system whereby the renter paid between the first 300 and 500 CUC in case of a claim against the insurance. “B” Being CDW where any claim is covered by the insurance of the vehicle. Today only CDW insurance is available costing between 5 and 15 CUC more depending on the vehicle class but we think it’s a better option for peace of mind.

There´s also been a change in delivery costs (1 June 2008) where Transtur charge an extra 20 CUC for deliveries of cars at Cuban airports and in some cases in high traffic rental points elsewhere. We have found that this charge can be waived by booking the car before your arrival.


















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